- United Cabbies Group | The Fastest Growing | Centrally Democratic | Since 2010

The Forging Of Unity

Ever since our inception, we have strived to uphold & maintain our standards. We do our utmost to ensure the workers we represent are treated the way they should be.
The UCG was originally formed in 2010 by a group of drivers’ in the Royal Oak. Frustrated by the way the trade was being treated they formed the basis for the present day UCG. In 2014 another totally separate group of drivers met – for totally the same reasons- and contacted the group and relaunched with a demonstration, which took place on London’s Oxford Street.

From then on change’s have been made including making the organisation 100% democratic and an organisation which is owned by the drivers via mutual society.

The committee are all working cab drivers – if you don’t drive a cab you can not serve on the committee. We are working to protect our status as the worlds gold standard taxi service.


London’s Taxi’s have been seen on the streets of the capital since the 17th Century. In 1654, an act of parliament was passed making taxi driving a profession.  This profession is maintained by the infamous ‘Knowledge’.

What We Can Offer You


24 Hour Legal Cover

Our legal cover is provided by David Barton motorists’ read more on

David Barton Solicitor specialises in criminal road traffic work in Magistrates and Crown Courts in London and the Southeast. He qualified in 1982 and has been doing this work for 42 years. He is a Solicitor Advocate and does the vast majority of his own court work. He is based in mid Kent.

During that time David has dealt with a complete range of road traffic prosecutions and investigations started by police. He deals with all aspects from police interviews to the court hearings. You will find David knowledgeable and approachable and able to give realistic and straightforward advice based on many years of experience, and the reality of your case. He will guide through all stages of the proceedings, assess your legal position and advise honestly.


Members Vote

We are fully democratic and pride ourselves on one member, one vote. As a member you will be balloted via email on issues where you can vote accordingly.

Putting the Taxi Trade first:

The UCG is a trade organisation managed by a committee of working cab drivers for working cab drivers. As an organisation we will always put our members first and pride ourselves on fighting today for the taxi trades tomorrow.

HP Taxi