The controlled stopping of Taxis and PHV by TFL


At our last members meeting I did say I would put an explanation of the new TFL roadside stopping of Taxis and PHV. I am sorry for the delay; I have been trying to get a picture of a compliance officer wearing the accreditation but unfortunately due to data protection restrictions TFL will not allow this. So the accreditation they have gained is granted by the Metropolitan Police

It is CSAS which is detailed in the paragraph below:-


The stopping powers given to accredited TPH Compliance Officers are given by the Metropolitan Police – Community Safety Accreditation  Scheme (CSAS)
The officers will always be wearing a long sleeved hi visibility jacket with their accreditation card visible on the front.  I hope this explains; if you have any further questions please call the office on 0207 100 5206 and I will get back to you ASAP.


Stephen Jones

Committee Member


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