World Famous…
Introduced as a requirement in 1865, The Knowledge spurred social mobility, allowing working class people to find solace and pride in a trade that encompassed London.

To do the Knowledge of London is to embark on a test of memory, endurance, commitment, and character. To complete it is to have a sense of pride in an achievement which is unique.

Learning The Knowledge
All London (Green Badge)
- Drivers can operate anywhere in the Greater London Authority area
Suburban (Yellow Badge)
- Drivers can operate in one of the nine sectors in the suburbs of the Greater London Authority area
“How long did it take you to complete The Knowledge?”
The most popular question put to me by tourists. It should take between 2-4 years, it encompasses learning the famous blue book runs and places of interest: museums, clubs, shops, railway stations etc. You must know how to leave theses and how to set down.
The Protection of The Knowledge
- This test has consistently ensured high standards over a sustained period of time, which is why the UCG are committed to protecting the Knowledge in its current form, no dilution.
- A passenger taking a taxi ride in london has trust in the fact that the driver knows the best route to their destination possible.
- If you are reading this and you think you have the passion and pride to be a London Cabbie then why not visit the TFL website and apply. Driving a black cab is iconic, an open book that starts with The Knowledge.
- Alternatively, join us today and become part of the movement. Speak to people who can help you progess in your career!
- Keep up with everything UCG related by visiting our news page.